Cambron Restoration

I dunno about this one - do you think it is too far gone to restore?

I believe it might be a 1935 model - but really, I don't know. If you know, please drop me an eMail. I can only find 2 lines on Google for it.

It has two empty valve sockets - so its going to need a couple of valves and from the valve diagram it looks like they are going to be a 6F6G and a 5Y3G - I hope I can find them, haven't really looked as yet.

INterestingly, when I first looked in the back - I found an old Broadcast Receiving License dated from 1952.

I was researching the valves, and it appears that the 6F6 dates from the mide 30's (according to the online Valve Museum - which I suppose may support the theory that this is a 1934 radio - although I guess there is nothing stopping a radio manufactured in say 1953 also using that valve.